Welcome to the Entrepreneurship Club of the University of Texas at Arlington! Here's all the stuff you need to know, use, and focus on. We are the student community of Entrepreneurs and Students who want to pursue entrepreneurship.

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Our mission

<aside> 🎯 Our Mission is to build a student founder community and foster awareness and opportunities of entrepreneurship among University of Texas at Arlington.


Sign Up Today

[MavOrgs -

Entrepreneurship Club Membership SignUp](<https://mavorgs.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/628063>)

Our Programs: There’s something for everyone!

Where’s The Funding :

This is our monthly talk series where we pick a particular industry and bring in professionals and business owners from that space to share about their journeys and help you answer the question about "Where's The Funding" (if any) in that industry and how someone starting up new can break in and get that money. It's a discussion event, so no PowerPoint, no lectures—just casual conversations.


"Think of it as Shark Tank… but without the sharks eating you alive."

#BYOB - Build Your Own Business

It's a startup founded by students, for students.

For example, I am pursuing Engineering Management and my interest is in Product Management, so I will pick tasks related to building the product and those tasks that help me upskill and get hands-on experience that I can share and talk about during interviews—think ACM Create and UTA Racing but with a startup.

Epic Mavs

This is a weekly workshop series hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship where we bring in professionals to cover various startup and entrepreneurship topics—from entrepreneurial thinking to marketing, branding, and product development.